Gwen and Geoff

"Hey, wake up!"

Geoff opened his eyes and slowly rolled over. "Please Gwen, let me sleep a while longer," he pleaded.

"No! You know how horny I am in the morning. Now get to it!"

"Please no, I'm too tired from last night."

Gwen answered by grabbing Geoff's head and forcing it to her wet pussy. Geoff began to lick. "Faster! You know I like it that way."

"God, even my tongue is tired," Geoff protested.

"Do you want me to get rough with you? Now get to it!"

Geoff began licking faster. The last thing he wanted was to get Gwen upset. He remembered what had happened during their first date yesterday....

He had taken Gwen to the lake on a beautiful sunny day. But on the way, his car had a flat tire. He pulled over to the side of the road to change it, but found that his spare was also flat. They were miles from any tire store or service station, and Gwen was losing patience at the loss of time.

"What an idiot you are!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you check the spare tire before?"

"I didn't think to. And why should I? Who would think that it would just go flat?" he protested.

"You're costing me time at the lake," Gwen reprimanded.

"Sorry about that."

"Sorry won't cut it."

"What can I say? Or do, for that matter?"

"You can go screw yourself!" Gwen shouted. "I'll go to the lake by myself. You can join me there later."

And with that, she took off running, faster than he could have driven in his car. It wasn't until she was out of sight that he realized what she had done, or rather had not done; she could have easily inflated the spare with her breath! Or at the very least, she could call for help when she reached the lake, but she hadn't said a word about that. Instead, she had just left him stranded by the road!

From there, the day had gotten even worse. He had hiked miles up the road to get help, and had finally made it to the lake. Gwen was there on the beach sunbathing when he approached her. She looked up at him and glared, "Finally! I thought you would never get here! I'm hungry."

Not a word from her about how he was, and no apology for leaving him stranded. "Well, let's start a fire then. I'll get the hot dogs from the car."

As they both walked towards the car, Geoff suggested, "Why don't you gather some firewood?"

Gwen glared at him as she replied, "Fine."

Geoff retrieved the hot dogs and buns and made his way over to the fire. Gwen helped by holding the meat over the fire in her bare hands. At least now things were starting to look up, Geoff thought, but then Gwen did something amazing.

"This fire needs more combustibles," Gwen said. And with that, she got up, went to his car, and tore the rear seat out! Carrying it over her head, she brought it over and threw it into the fire!

"What are you doing?!" screamed Geoff.

"Your car's a piece of shit!" Gwen screamed back. "It's only good for firewood!"

Geoff was flabbergasted. That was a BMW she was talking about! "Hey, that car cost $40,000!"

"That just proves what an idiot you are!"

"What do you mean? I got a good deal on that car. It retails for over $50,000!"

"What good is it?" Gwen demanded.

"Hey, that's a luxury performance car."

"What performance? What a puny engine, I can run faster than it can move!"

"That engine is 350 horsepower."

Gwen walked over to the car and stood in front of it. She leaned over and tore off the hood. Tossing it aside, she then drove her fist into and through the engine block. As she withdrew her hand, Geoff watched the oil pour out through the hole in the pan, mixed with the radiator fluid spewing from the block cooling ports. How could she do this? She had just destroyed his pride and joy!

"That engine is now ZERO horsepower!" Gwen smirked.

She then walked to the side of the car and tore off the door. "And what kind of luxury car has no doors?"

"You bitch!" Geoff screamed.

"What did you call me?" Gwen demanded. "You didn't say BITCH, did you?" as she grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to her face.

Looking at the rage in her eyes, Geoff turned pale with fear. He had just seen her destroy an engine, what could she do to him? "Please,no." he pleaded.

"No WHAT?"

"Please, Mistress, please don't hurt me."

"That's better than the other word, but it's too late for you," Gwen intoned, as she put both her arms around Geoff and began to squeeze. He heard and felt his ribs break just before he passed out.

He awoke in excruciating pain. He was in bed, but didn't know where until Gwen walked into the room.

"Service me tonight and I'll spare your life," Gwen said coldly.

Geoff wasn't up to it in his condition, but what choice did he have? "Please Mistress, I am unable," he pleaded.

"Let me show you something," Gwen said as she picked up a crowbar. "Now watch this." She bit the crowbar in two! Then she began licking one of the halves. Geoff could see the cold hard steel deforming around her tongue! Gwen held it to his face and then dropped it.

She then picked up the other half and shoved it part way into her pussy. "Your puny organ is of no concern to me," Gwen intoned as she released her hands from the crowbar. It remained held in her pussy. "See what I can do to steel?" she asked as she released her grip and the crowbar fell to the floor. Gwen picked it up and showed Geoff that the part which was inside her, was now the size of a pencil. "Think what I can do to you!"

"Please," Geoff pleaded. "It would be my honor to service you in any manner you wish, Mistress."

That was last night. And now, this morning...

"Paul, this is Geoff."

"Hi, Geoff. You sound different."

"Yeah, Gwen broke my ribs and I've got them taped up. I can't breathe very well."

"Wow, what happened?"

"That's why I'm calling. How do you handle Carolline when she's angry?"

"Don't have that problem. She's sweet as honey."

"Well, Gwen's not. She has a terrible temper!"

"Do you want me to have Caroline speak to her? She's her friend after all."

"That would be good. Have Caroline tell Gwen that I don't want to see her again, I can't handle her."

"If you're breaking it off, shouldn't you be the one to tell her?"

"I don't dare. After yesterday..."

"Right. Sorry it didn't work out for you. Do you want me to set you up with another xtreme strength woman?"

"No way!"

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